I am addressing the Sept. 14, 2023, front page headline:
“Mayor and Incumbents face familiar foes”
WOW, The use of the word “foes” clearly sets a negative tone for all to see from the editors of the Portsmouth Herald.
The ink on the final roster was barely dry and your negative statements on your created label of the “Becksted 5” were starting!
Yes, your bias is obvious right out of the gate, as many of your readers have commented!
Seems the Portsmouth Herald editors and your paid commentor are coming from a different place, Mr. Splaine is calling for civility and the editors’ negativity towards certain candidates is blatant!
Just to make it perfectly clear- -I do not consider ANY of my fellow City Council candidates as “foes”, in fact quite the opposite, I respect all who step up to put themselves out there to serve our City.
It is easy for anyone to just hide behind a keyboard and hurl ones’ criticism and opinions, it takes a different type of person to volunteer to bring their skills and experience forward to serve for the benefit of all in the public.
As Mayor McEachern stated, there are 17 individuals running for City Council, we all have different backgrounds/skills and opinions on how to best serve the residents of this City, it will be up to the voters to decide among the 17 in November, but thanks for showing your position this early.
Petra Huda,
Former City Councilor and Current Candidate for City Council