Did you know that City Councilor John Tabor’s recent mailer did not state who was responsible for mailing the political advertisement or who paid for it? This is a direct violation of New Hampshire’s RSA 664:14, “All political advertising shall be signed at the beginning or the end with the names and addresses of the candidate, his fiscal agent, or the name and address of the chairman or the treasurer of a political committee, or the name and address of a natural person, according to whether a candidate, political committee, or natural person is responsible for it.”
Did you know that this potentially illegal behavior is precisely what caused problems for Democratic politician Steve Marchand in 2021? See https://www.seacoastonline.com/story/news/2023/09/13/marchand-warned-2021-portsmouth-election-probe-attorney-general-nh/70846293007/
NH AG concludes investigation into 2021 Portsmouth election, warns former mayor Marchand
The NH attorney general concludes Steve Marchand was responsible for creating and distributing derogatory handbills aimed at the “Becksted 5.” (30 kB)
Did you know that Councilor John Tabor claims “he gets results” in his mailer? We described in the Dossier Series on Councilor John Tabor, Parts I, II and III that he gets results by potential ethical violations, possible breaking of nonpublic disclosure laws or now even possible violations of campaign finance laws. Why do we have such politicians “representing us” in City Hall?