Affordability for all tax paying citizens of Portsmouth is the main responsibility of the Mayor and the City Council. The current Council has failed its responsibility to meet this key objective, and the tax paying citizens are paying for it.
Disclaimer- I was a City Councilor who participated in 14 Annual Budgets. I learned in my initial budget that a Councilor had to dissect the Manager’s budget and determine if the money allocated was excessive. Result for my first budget: Manager wanted a 70+cent rate increase, but the Council approved a 40+ cent decrease, with no cutting of essential services. In my 14 years, each Council I served with had various views, but the majority realized that affordability for the citizens they served and who voted for them was their primary responsibility.
The current Council has continually espoused the term “Affordable Housing”- for new people to move into Portsmouth. They forget that those of us living here also have the need for affordable housing.
This Council approved 36 new hires- primarily in City Hall and Administration, not for Fire, Police or Public Works.
This Council did not balance the public right to know with the necessity of using executive sessions judiciously (held @66 nonpublic meetings). Lack of transparency enabled the continuing expensive failure of pursuing the McIntyre while undoing the decisions of the previous Council (at a minimum cost of $2.5 million of Taxpayer money paid to the Kane-led group.)
In summary, please consider electing Councilors who are transparent in their intentions and actions. Ignore the dirty politics and lies espoused in the last election, which lead to a reprimand to their leader ex-Mayor Steve Marchand.
Actions speak louder than words. The current Council was weak on actions. Is that a sign of leadership? Elect a Council who understands that affordability starts with current taxpayers, not possible future taxpayers.
Consider voting for Rick Beckstead, Peter Whelan, Paige Trace, Petra Huda, and Esther Kennedy
They have the proven fiscal responsibility and restraint we need for Affordability for all Portsmouth residents.
Bill Wagner