To the Editor:
The citizens of Portsmouth were hit with a grim dose of reality last Monday when it was announced a new 60,000 +/- square foot police station with 120 +/- parking spaces at five possible locations would cost between $60 and $70 million dollars. These estimates were between $20 and $30 million more than the city had budgeted. The question now becomes, “Have all options been explored?”
Before that question is answered, some background on the relatively new Dover, NH police station is warranted. In March, 2016, the City of Dover (population 33,000) opened a new 30,000 SF police station which cost $9 million dollars. ($12 million adjusted for inflation in 2023). This police station was built in conjunction with a new parking garage which opened a few months earlier.
Why does Portsmouth (population 22,000) need a police station that is twice as large as the Dover police station when Portsmouth’s population is one third less? Are the mean streets of Portsmouth really generating twice as much crime as Dover? I would venture not.
I believe there is a sixth location option for a new police station. The southern half of the first floor of the Foundry Parking garage is empty, or can easily be made empty, and has an area of approximately 15,000 SF. Providentially, the City of Portsmouth owns a vacant 8,500 SF lot abutting the Foundry Garage to the north. (tax map 125, lot 17-1) A four story addition on that lot can provided an additional 34,000 SF. These two spaces together could provide a new police station with approximately 50,000 SF. If that is not enough space, the next abutting lot to the north is also vacant, and has an area of 26,000 SF. (map 125. Lot 17). Portsmouth could easily take what land it needs by eminent domain as it has before.
The pros and cons of this location are as follows: Pros: 1) 120 +/- parking spaces do not need to be constructed, saving of millions. Ample amounts of unused parking is already available in the Foundry Parking Garage. 2) No abutter opposition 3) No irreplaceable youth athletic fields will be destroyed. 4) This location is twice as close to Market Square as the current police station (0.25 miles v. 0.5 miles). 5) One of the original five sites can now be used for PHA housing. Cons: None.
I look forward to Portsmouth’s careful consideration of the Foundry Garage Police Station option.
James A. Hewitt