Rooms needed
Highlights from Sunday 11/20/2022 6:33 pm Suspicious Activity, Little Harbor Rd: Caller…
Portsmouth New Hampshire Real Estate update October 2022
Here is your Portsmouth, New Hampshire, real estate update for October 2022.…
Kids can sure be noisy
Tuesday 11/15/2022 9:42 pm Check Well Being, White Cedar Blvd: Caller says…
Saturday 11/12/2022 Police Log
Saturday 11/12/2022 10:53 am Theft, Dennett St: Theft of catalytic converter. Report…
The “Altschiller Family Newsletter.”
Newly elected District 24 State Senator Debra Altschiller is married to the…
God wants me to yell in Market Square
Nov 4, 2022 6:29 pm Disorderly Conduct, Market Square: Caller reports man…
General Lafayette’s 1824 visit to Portsmouth
In the summer of 2021, this sign was presented to the City…
Maggie Hassan: Simple Truths
Dated October 30, 2022 Politics can be confusing when a candidate spends…
Why vote for Don Bolduc?
Dated: October 31, 2022 It is easy to criticize what Maggie Hassan…
911 hang up/bike breakdown/Music hater
Sunday 10-30-2022 8:52 am , 911 call Abandoned , Pierce Island Hitting…
Asleep at the (wrong) wheel
Sunday 10-30-2022 9:43 pm, Suspicious Activity, Longmeadow Lane “Caller reports he just…
Portsmouth Halloween Trivia
For decades Portsmouth has done Trick-or-Treat a day before most communities. This…
“Outstanding Questions”
Following receipt of this explosive letter, the thoughtful reader has many questions. …
Former Mayor turned Democrat Activist Steve Marchand found guilty of campaign dirty tricks by NH Attorney General
Opinion The Portsmouth City Council is in denial. They want to believe…
Million Air Op-Ed
Submitted by Greg Mahanna, Pilot and Aviation Manager Monopolies at Pease Airport…
No, you can’t watch TV in bed
10/5/2022 Islington Street 21:24 Caller is requesting an officer come by because…
Hey, those are my lightbulbs!
Oct 11, 2022 10:54 PM Thornton Street Caller stated he is watching…
Woman walking with a limp reported as “impaired”
10/10/22 8:41 AM - Banfield Road Passerby reporting a female that appears…
November Tide Table