Letters to the Editor

The Portsmouth Pulse welcomes submissions from the local community.  Opinions expressed are those of the author, and do not necessarily express official positions by the paper.    To submit your own LTE, click here.

LTE: Portsmouth Housing Authority falls under RSA 72:23-k

An anonymous submission In a story published below on February 13, 2025,

Staff Writer Staff Writer

The McIntyre Interviews

In 7 full-throated, un-edited interviews, former city officials explain Portsmouth New Hampshire's

Editor Editor

Opinion: Trump won in a landslide.   Should you be worried? 

The election is finally over, and we have a new President-elect, Donald

Editor Editor

Tax-Induced Shockwaves in Portsmouth

For homeowners in Portsmouth opening their mail to find dramatically increased valuations

Editor Editor

LTE: Vote for Thom Rossi/State Representative

To the Editor:                   

Editor Editor

LTE: Thomas Rossi for NH House

To The Editor: I thank Beth Margeson and The Citizens for Voter

Editor Editor

MacCallum: Solar Panels Do Not Belong in the Historic District

The following is the long version of a letter to the editor

Editor Editor

Whelan: “Tax” Perfect Storm on the Horizon this Fall

To the Editor: In the mail this week was an envelope from

Editor Editor

Did You Know that John Tabor may have committed malfeasance … or worse?

Deleted emails?  Potential criminality?  Story to follow – stay tuned!

Editor Editor

Polidura:  Vote for Carol Bush on March 12

To the Editor: Residents of District 21 (Newington and Ward 1 in

Editor Editor

Whelan:  The Jim Hewitt Fiasco: Who Authorized this Public Lynching?

“The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one

Editor Editor

Polidura:  My Take on the Hewitt Fiasco

To the Editor: Oh, what a circus, oh what a show…” is

Editor Editor

Trace:  Mr. James Hewitt

To the Editor: Yes, Moldy Oatmeal/Gruel set aside, this emulates the New

Editor Editor

MacCallum: Removing Hewitt would set a dangerous precedent for the City

To the Editor: In the more than 30 years that I have

Editor Editor

Whelan: The Hi-Tech Public Lynching of James Hewitt by the City of Portsmouth

To the Editor: There is a show trial/public lynching which will take

Editor Editor

Polidura: A Suggestion for the McIntyre Building

To the Editor: Earlier in 2023, the City Council established a Blue-Ribbon

Editor Editor

Hewitt: Special Treatment for Special People (Part II)

To the Editor: Isn’t that how it goes in Portsmouth?  In 2023 I

Editor Editor

Hewitt: Special Treatment for Special People

Isn’t that how it goes in Portsmouth?   I see the City has

Editor Editor